Offerings in Time of Need

Jack Swanson shares thoughts on giving during this time.

As we continue to operate St. John, it’s no surprise that finances are a
concern at this time. In other words: your offerings are still needed. We
understand there are many unknowns for all, finances included. Thank you for your consideration.

Here’s a note from Jack Swanson, former congregational president, in this

No virus is going to keep me from being a faithful steward. My church is
still providing me with the Word and Bread of Life by live streaming worship services and Bible studies on the internet. My church is still providing ministry to the children in the Child Development Center, Day School, confirmation classes, and Sunday School classes through online learning and creative approaches. My church is serving the hungry by keeping Christ’s Cupboard open. My church is serving the hurting and sick by providing pastoral care. However, no longer can I participate with my fellow saints in the offering time when we return to God a portion of His financial blessings. Indeed, I miss the fellowship that corporate worship provides.

W. H. Greever wrote, “Stewardship is what a man does after he says, ‘I
believe’.” And, Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 4:2, “It is required in
stewards; that a man be found faithful.” Therefore I will find a way to give
from the Lord’s blessings by continuing to give my offering to St. John
Lutheran Church so that the work the Lord has called us to do will continue in these challenging times.

Here are some ways you can continue your offering uninterrupted:
– Put it in your offering envelope and then place it an envelope; put a stamp
on it; offer a prayer of praise and thanksgiving for the opportunity to give;
and mail it to St. John Lutheran Church, 919 N Columbia Ave, Seward, NE 68434
– Personally put it in the new drop box which is outside of the west entrance.
– Sign up to give electronically through Joyful Response offered by LCEF. Email to get more information on how to sign up.
– Use the “Give Now” or “E-Giving and Mobile App Options” links on the opening page of the St. John Website

God’s servants will find a satisfying way to continue their support of The
Ministry of St. John Lutheran. It is my prayer that we all will find a way that
brings each of us spiritual peace and joy in Jesus. May the phrase from hymn writer William W. How help.

“We give thee but Thine own,
Whate’er the gift may be.
All that we have is Thine alone,
A trust, O Lord, from Thee.”

In Christ,
Jack Swanson, former chair of the congregation and author of this article

With co-signers:
Brady Johnson, chair of congregation
Brent Royuk, chair of the Coordinating Council
Joel Endorf, chair of the Finance Board
Curt Sherman, chair of the Foundation
Pastor Bruick