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  2. Seven important reasons for attending church in person.

Seven important reasons for attending church in person.

7. Prioritize Kids And Teens.

Parents can catch a podcast or watch online, but kids really miss out when parents miss. To be with their friends who are running in the same direction, and to have another voice (small group leader) who knows their name, favorite food, and hopes and dreams saying the same thing a loving parent would say, is so far, unreproducible in the online world. I believe that when the parents miss church, the kids are the biggest losers. The more you prioritize families, the more families will prioritize Sundays.

The shift in our culture is probably irreversible to some extent. But you have something unique to offer – online and offline.

Carey Nieuwhof https://careynieuwhof.com/7-ways-to-respond-as-people-attend-church-less-often/

Updated on January 22, 2022

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