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Pure Freedom Retreat – Sep. 11/12

This fun, overnight retreat for 9th-12th grade girls
offers dedicated time to focus on and be reminded
of our true identities in Christ. Various women from
our church and students from Concordia will lead
the group through fun and meaningful sessions at
several Seward locations. This will be a time of
learning, discovery, and bonding among friends;
there will also be lots of time to hang out, eat good
food, and experience a bonfire! Sign up for our
Remind Text to register. Text 81010 the code
@purefr2. You will be sent a link to complete an
online registration form within the day. Please note
that you are not officially registered for the retreat
until the online form is completed. All future
retreat communication will be shared through this
Remind. Please bring your payment and plan to
sign a Parent Consent Form at the retreat on Sat.,
Sep. 11. We can’t wait to see you then! Online
registration is due by Sep. 1.

Recurring Events/Monthly Reminders

When the Need Arises for Pastoral Care
Please call the church office at any time you or your loved one is in need of pastoral care.  Deaconess Jeri and Pastors Rempfer and Bruick work to make sure that there is spiritual care available throughout the week.  It is also important for you to call the church office when you or a loved one has been admitted to the hospital.  Due to the privacy law (HIPPA), hospitals do not notify the church.  If it is after office hours, you may use these phones numbers in times of emergencies: Pastor B. – 402-641-7961; Pastor R – 319-361-9132; Deaconess J – 402-641-0627.

“Helps” During Your Time in Worship (sponsored by the Parish Health Ministry)
Please ask the ushers for locations and instructions for all of these “helps”  For your comfort and convenience, St. John Church has many “helps” for those who might need them.  Wheelchair spaces are available—these spaces are also useful for those using walkers. Easy to use hearing devices are available.  Large print bulletins are offered, and seat cushions are obtainable for your comfort.  First aid kits are located at the Information Center in the narthex and also downstairs in the fellowship hall.  An AED for electronic resuscitation is located in the school hallway right outside of the narthex. 

Collection Box for Orphan Grain Train Items  (Sponsored by the LWML)
1st and 2nd weekends of month, west entrance
Please place used clothes, linens, shoes, socks, etc. to be donated to the Orphan Grain Train and taken to the Lincoln distribution center. Thank you for your gifts for missions.  

LWML Mite Box
1st weekend of month, narthex
Drop your spare change into the big purple box and support the many ministry grants made available by the national LWML organization. Go to to learn more about the various ministries they support.

Ways to Shop On-line and Earn Money for Our Ministry
Information sheets on this program are available in the school & church offices or click here.
OR: go to these websites:
● and;
● (use your current Amazon account login information at this site)

Church Art Work Booklet
A full-color booklet describing the art work at St. John is available in the church office.  Because of cost, there is a limit of one free booklet per family (additional booklets cost $2).

“Like” St. John Church, School and CDC on Facebook
Facebook users: “Like” St. John Church, St. John School and St. John Child Development Center. Updates, announcements and discussions are some of the items that are available.

Rides Available for Shut-ins
Call Sue Wickersham weekdays from 12-1pm or 5-7pm two days in advance of needed service (402-643-6287)
St. John has a list of drivers willing to take shut-ins to medical appointments, church or special events.  There is no specific charge, but donations are acceptable.  In the event that Sue is not available, you may call the church office (402-643-2983). 

Frozen Meal Assistance Ministry
If you need a quick meal for you or your family when facing an illness or difficult situation, the St. John Human Care Board has frozen meals ready and available for you to heat and use.  The Frozen Meal Assistance Ministry is called “Feed My Sheep” and is intended for times when meals are needed quickly such as when dealing with an illness, recovering from surgery or a birth, or facing a difficult situation. The Human Care Board hopes that these meals will serve as a way to express caring to both members of St. John and to the Seward community at large. If you know of someone who would benefit from a prepared meal, please contact Human Care Board members Jennifer Bockelman at 402-646-5536 or Laurie Sherman at 402-643-0502.

DVDs (videos) of St. John Weekend Worship Available
Call the church office (402-643-2983) and the DVD Ministry volunteers will be notified of your request.

Reopening Update (5-20-21)

Mask Update (5-20-21)

Fellow worshippers at St. John,

The Coordinating Council has decided to end the mask requirement for services as of last weekend, May 15/16.

In April, the council decided that we would end our mask requirement when either the Four Corners Health District Risk Gauge became green, or when we completed vaccination Phase 1 in Seward County. As of now, we can reasonably say that Phase I is completed.

In the opinion of the council, the probability of dangerous health consequences is now low enough that it is time to allow individuals worshippers and their families to make decisions about appropriate distancing and mask wearing. The change in CDC masking guidelines also supports this timing since the percentage of worshippers at St. John who are vaccinated is likely quite high. We encourage all who worship with us to show grace and tolerance for the decisions that are made by those who join us in our church.

We are currently in a time of heightened disagreement and polarization, much of it caused by the pandemic. As followers of Christ, we share all of the most important beliefs in life, and we know that as we experience these “light and momentary troubles,” our differences shrink to insignificance in the light of eternity.

We pray for an end to the pandemic all across the world, and we pray for grace and peace in our communities.

In Christ,

The St. John Coordinating Council

Previous Update:

On Monday, April 5, the Centers for Disease Control issued a Science Brief providing updated guidelines regarding indoor surface transmission of SARS-CoV-2, which states that “there is little scientific support for routine use of disinfectants in community settings, whether indoor or outdoor, to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission from fomites.” Therefore, starting this weekend, the Coordinating Council has decided to end the process of extensive disinfecting of the sanctuary after services.  The regular cleaning protocols will be maintained.  We also will return the hymnals and Bibles to the pews. We will continue to provide all congregational responses and hymn verses in our worship folders, so worshippers can choose to use or not to use the hymnals as they prefer. We remain committed to easing the mask requirement when either the Four Corners Health Department risk gauge is green, or vaccination Phase 1 has been completed in Seward County. Please note that while Phase 2 has begun, it will still be several weeks before Phase 1 is completed. At that time we will have reached a point where all Seward County residents age 65 or older will have had an opportunity to be vaccinated, providing a high degree of protection for individuals in the highest age risk category. We will continue to monitor vaccination progress in our area and let you know when it is time for our mask guidelines to change.

This Week’s Worship

Worship with us – see regular schedule of worship and communion below (communion schedule varies occasionally for festival weekends and other special events)

  • Saturdays at 5:30 p.m. or
  • Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
  • 8:30 a.m. is livestreamed
    Communion at the 8:30am service is on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
    Communion is on the Saturday services prior to the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
    Communion at the 11am service is on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays.

Questions for This Weekend (When applicable)
Below are some devotional questions that go with the message for this Sunday.  You are encouraged to read them before, during, or after the message.  They could be for personal reflection, but could also be used for discussion in groups.

The Fact That Changes Everything,
1 Corinthians 15:12-20 and Jeremiah 17:5-8

  • When do you celebrate Easter?
  • When can you celebrate the assurance of Easter? Why?
  • What Easter “facts” can help you in times of spiritual drought?

Readings for the weekend of Feb. 12/13: Jeremiah 17:5-8; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 15:(1-11)12-20; Luke 6:17-26
Readings for the weekend of Feb. 19/20: Genesis 45:3-15; Psalm 103:1-13; 1 Corinthians 15:21-26, 30-42; Luke 6:27-38
Readings for the weekend of Feb. 26/27 (Transfiguration): Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Psalm 99; Hebrews 3:1-6; Luke 9:28-36
Readings for Mar. 5/6 (First Sunday in Lent): Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Psalm 91:1-13; Romans 10:8b-13; Luke 4:1-13

Worship Options

Worship Anew Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc. produces a weekly, 30-minute Lutheran broadcast worship service called Worship Anew. Each service includes music, scripture readings, prayers, and a pastor delivering a message that is designed to feel one-on-one to the viewer. Each program is closed-captioned for the hearing impaired. Find it on Spectrum channel 10, Sundays at 7:30am and Thursdays at 4:30pm

Would you, or someone you know, benefit from an Sunday morning worship service on television?  KLKN (Channel 8) broadcasts “Main Street Living” on Sunday mornings at 10am.  At 10am there is a past episode from the This Is The Life television show produced by The Lutheran Hour.  At 10:30am there is a brief worship service featuring LCMS pastors from around the Midwest.  This is a useful alternative for those without computers or computer skills.